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  5. How To Deal With Pale Skin?

Pale skin or paleness is an unusual lightness of the skin color compared with your normal complexion. Paleness may often raise some concerns about your skin's health. Did you know pale skin can be caused by a decreased number of red blood cells?

It can occur all over your skin or appear more localized. Local paleness usually affects a single limb. Fortunately, there are ways to treat and overcome paleness. Scroll down to read more.

What Causes Pale Skin?

Having pale skin is challenging because it may look dull and unhealthy. There are multiple reasons for your skin to turn pale. These include:

  • Anemia [1]
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Limited sun exposure
  • Naturally pale skin
  • Frostbite or exposure to cold temperature [2]
  • Dangerously low blood pressure
  • Blockage in a limb

How To Make Pale Skin Glow?

Pale skin is difficult to manage and may often end up appearing lackluster or flat. However, your skin can regain its lost glow in a few simple ways.

1. Build A Skin Care Routine

Regardless of your skin type or texture, your skin needs attention and a proper skincare routine. Regular cleansing, exfoliation, and moisturization are essential to nourish and brighten your skin.

Exfoliation will help eliminate dead skin cells from the topmost layer of your skin while restoring your skin's natural glow. Also, using a hydrating moisturizer can help improve the overall appearance of your skin.

You can also add a brightening face mask to your regimen for added nourishment. Having a consistent skincare routine can help you see visible results in your skin tone.

2. Consume A Proper Diet

Pale skin demands a proper diet filled with fatty acids, antioxidants, and minerals like zinc and iron. Include essential fatty acids [3] like omega-3 and omega-6 found in oily fish such as tuna and salmon. You can also obtain essential fatty acids from nuts and seeds.

Antioxidants play a significant role in protecting your skin from turning pale and dry. Berries, broccoli, cherries, brazil nuts, peas, and papayas are the best sources of antioxidants.

3. Boost Your Vitamin Intake

Vitamin deficiency is one of the most common reasons behind the skin turning pale. Your diet needs to consist of several essential vitamins such as vitamin A, E, C, and vitamin B complex.

Dairy products are rich in vitamin A. Adding them to your regular diet is an excellent way of fulfilling your vitamin requirements. Consume nuts, peas, oily fish, and lemon to increase vitamin E, C, and B complex intake. If your regular food intake is not enough for your vitamin needs, then try taking vitamin supplements.

4. Seek Medical Attention

If your skin looks paler than usual, you are more likely to have anemia, which requires proper medical care. As mentioned above, paleness in any particular area, as in localized pale skin, generally indicates a blockage in the specific limb.

It is vital to set an appointment with your doctor to diagnose the underlying cause of your paleness.

natural homemade fruit facial masks

Home Remedies For Pale Skin

1. Lemon

Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C that helps brighten your skin. Lemon juice can also assist in controlling excess oil production in your skin while offering major skin lightening benefits. You can add a few drops of lemon juice in your face pack to reap all its benefits.

2. Milk And Honey

Like lemon, honey, and milk can help you achieve naturally brighter skin. Milk is rich in vitamin A and calcium. To create a homemade face mask, take two tablespoons of milk and honey and mix it with a few lemon drops. Apply it at least once a week to notice results.

3. Orange Peel And Yogurt

Oranges are not only delicious but are also extremely beneficial for your skin. After eating an orange, store the peel and grind it into a fine powder. Add two tablespoons of yogurt to the orange peel powder. Mix the ingredients well and apply the paste to your skin. Leave it to dry and rinse off with lukewarm water.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera regulates tyrosinase [4] activity that maintains the melanin production of your skin. It is also a rich source of antioxidants and helps you achieve smooth, soft, and bright skin. You can apply fresh aloe vera gel directly to your skin for a clear, glowing complexion.

5. Tomato

Tomato works as a skin-lightening agent and removes the dead skin cells from the skin's upper layer. Regularly applying tomato to your skin can make it clean and bright. Take a slice of fresh tomato and rub it over your skin. Allow it to dry and rinse off with cold water.

6. Papaya

Papaya acts as a powerful exfoliator and dissolves inactive proteins and dead skin cells, leaving you with softer skin. Take some raw papaya and blend it into a smooth paste. Apply it to your skin and leave it to dry. Once it dries, rinse off with lukewarm water.

7. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is a natural healing agent. Make a mixture of sandalwood, milk, and turmeric to treat pale skin. Mix the ingredients in a perfect blend and apply this paste to your skin. Leave it to dry and rinse it off once dry. Repeat this process once a week.

Pale Skin Vs Fair Skin Vs Tan Skin

Pale Skin

Fair Skin

Tan Skin

1. Pale skin refers to the unusual lightness of the skin.

1. Fair skin is bright and porcelain.

1. Tan skin refers to darkened skin tone due to extreme sun exposure.

2. Pale skin is a condition that makes your skin look dull or unhealthy.

2. Fair skin is a skin complexion that looks healthier than pale skin.

2. Tanning is a natural process where the skin’s melanin production gets affected by the sunlight.

3. Pale skin does not have to be fair in complexion.

3. People with fair skin can experience paleness. In most cases, people consider pale and fair as a similar condition.

3. No matter your skin tone, tanning can always happen.

4. Pale skin can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition like anemia.

4. Fair skin tone is usually not associated with any disease.

4. Excessive sun exposure is associated with several health risks, including skin cancer.

Wrapping Up

As discussed, pale skin can be caused by various reasons, including vitamin deficiencies and underlying health conditions. Hence, determining the cause of your pale skin is crucial for finding the appropriate treatment for yourself. You should immediately call your doctor if you have a sudden onset of generalized paleness or paleness of a limb.

SkinKraft provides a customized skincare regimen based on your unique skin type and characteristics.

Begin By Knowing Your Skin

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