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  5. The Best 20 Fruits For Hair Growth

Did you think a good hair care routine is enough for healthy hair? Well, what you eat can also keep your luscious locks shiny and strong naturally.

Most of the essential nutrients your hair needs is found in common fruits. They are a rich source of all the right vitamins and minerals. Thus, we have listed 20 fruits brimming with multiple benefits that you should add to your diet immediately!

What Expert Says

“Hair Fall can have various reasons such as heredity, scalp infection, dandruff, oxidative damage and lack of nutrients. Fruits are enriched with multiple vitamins and minerals, which is highly beneficial for your hair. Antioxidant-rich fruits are great to reduce oxidative damage.”

Dr Harish Koutam, Cheif Dermatologist, SkinKraft

Can Fruits Be Beneficial In Hair Growth?

One of the most effective ways to ensure your hair gets all the nutrients it requires for growth is through fruits. Fruits are a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Potassium and Fibre.

While certain fruits help prevent hair fall, others help promote hair growth and make your hair strong and healthy. It is important to know the nutritious benefits of various fruits to understand which ones to add to your diet.

Our chief dermatologist Dr. Harish Koutam says, “Hair fall can have various reasons such as heredity, scalp infection, dandruff, oxidative damage and lack of nutrients. Fruits are enriched with multiple vitamins and minerals, which is highly beneficial for your hair. Antioxidant-rich fruits are great to reduce oxidative damage.”

Here we are listing 20 fruits that you should add in your regular diet for hair growth.

What Are The Best 20 Fruits For Your Hair?

1. Orange: Prevents Hair Loss

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C and also have antioxidant and antibacterial properties. A Vitamin C deficiency can cause hair loss or damage and it is critical in production of collagen, which strengthens the hair.

So make sure to pick up some oranges next time you’re at the farmers’ market! You can make the super healthy beetroot and orange salad with a sweet honey dressing or an orange, walnut and spinach salad.

2. Guava: Prevents Breakage

Guava, found aplenty in India, is packed with Vitamin C and is known to protect your hair from breaking. Guava leaves are also known to be a rich source of nutrients which that boost hair growth.

They are also used for treating pain and healing wounds. It’s time to add this tropical fruit to your diet! You can blend a strawberry and guava smoothie or a guava and pomegranate salad.

3. Peach: Keeps Scalp Healthy

Peaches are a powerhouse of minerals and vitamins, a few of which include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, potassium, fiber and protein. It is easily available and there are plenty of ways to add peaches to your diet [1].

Toss some peaches into a blender with bananas to make a healthy smoothie or whip up a refreshing glass of peach iced tea on hot summer days. Peaches also taste great in salads. Toss them in with rocket leaves, lettuce and hazelnuts with a generous drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil.

4. Lime: Stimulates Hair Growth

The benefits of using lime in hair care routine hair care routine have been known for ages. Lime is an excellent source of Vitamin C - a nutrient that is considered critical in promoting hair health.

You can simply chug on the humble Nimbu Pani for your daily dose of Vitamin C or sprinkle them in your salads. Limes also contain iron, potassium and calcium. They have a long list of health and nutritional benefits - from boosting immunity boosting immunity to giving healthy skin and hair.

5. Banana: Strengthens Hair

Studies have proven that bananas have potential as a hair growth promoter [2]..They have also been proven to prevent hair loss [3]. Known to improve the health of your scalp, bananas have Vitamin B that gives you relief from split ends and breakage of hair.

Bananas are known to be great in soothing your hair from the damages caused by sun exposure, dust and pollution. Besides this, bananas have a slew of other benefits such as treating iron deficiency, reducing blood sugar levels and getting over a bad hangover.

The best news: Banana smoothies and milkshakes taste awesome. Make an almond banana smoothie for stronger and healthier hair. The potassium-rich fruit also looks great in a fruit bowl or nutritious salad.

6. Apple: Volumizes Hair

The old proverb ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ still holds water. Apples are perhaps one of the healthiest snacks you can munch on with some of the most impressive health benefits. The humble, crunchy apple, besides being delicious, has a wide array of health benefits.

Apples boost the keratin production in hair follicles making your hair strong, smooth, shiny and looking full. Other health benefits of including apples in your daily diet include reduction in cholesterol levels, acid reflux and protection of your pancreas [4]. Besides eating the whole fruit, this is a versatile ingredient that can be used to make healthy cakes, pies and smoothies.

7. Strawberries: Prevents Hair Loss

Strawberries are an excellent source of Vitamin C and it encourages iron absorption, while promoting hair growth. But one of the most important health benefits of including strawberries in your diet is that they are packed with vitamin B5 that helps prevent hair loss.

Studies have shown their effectiveness in hair loss treatment. Vitamin B5 works along with other nutrients to repair and rebuild hair.

You can make salads and smoothie bowls with fresh strawberries or blend a simple yet refreshing drink along with lime juice and water. If you’re looking for a fancy drink, try making the strawberry Gazpacho by substituting tomatoes with fresh strawberries. Strawberries can be worked into main courses too!

8. Papaya: Reduces Hair Thinning

Eating papayas at least thrice a week is recommended to reduce hair thinning and control dandruff. Papaya is a commonly used ingredient in hair masks to moisturize and nourish the scalp.

A 2012 study showed that the Vitamin A content in papaya can nourish and protect your hair [5]. The fruit works as a natural conditioner and is also known to have antifungal properties that keep your scalp healthy. Another study also showed that papayas can help in boosting hair growth [6].

9. Avocado: Nourishes Hair

Nourished hair is only one of the many direct benefits of making avocado a part of your daily diet. Not only does it nourish, but it also strengthens hair and encourages hair growth. One of the wider-known benefits is a healthy scalp.

One-third of a medium-sized avocado, which weighs about 50 gms, has 80 calories and contributes nearly 20 vitamins and minerals, according to the California Avocado Commission. Besides vitamins and minerals (including Vitamin C, iron and biotin), avocados also contain healthy fats. The nutrients in avocado make your hair shinier, stronger and soft.

You can make a lot of dishes using avocados - avocado toast with guacamole, cucumber, avocado and mango salsa salad, Mexican beans and avocado on toast or even avocado tortilla wraps.

10. Grapes: Prevents Hair Loss

Did you know that black grape seeds are made up of OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) which have anti-antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic properties and also prevent hair fall?

OPC prevents hair fall by interfering with the production of dihydrotestosterone, a hormone that causes hair fall. OPC is also known to stimulate the growth of hair follicles. Try your hand at a garden-fresh broccoli salad with grapes or the grapes and kale smoothie.

Did You Know?

Known to be a storehouse of antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients, dragon fruit too offers amazing benefits for your hair. It repairs damaged hair, adds shine to the hair, prevents breakage and split ends, etc.

11. Pineapple: Nourishes Hair

If you’re looking for soft and shiny hair, it’s time to add pineapple to your diet. Pineapple is loaded with Vitamin C, which is critical for good hair health, among other nutrients such as Vitamin B. It is also rich in calcium, a deficiency of which is known to lead to hair loss. (7)

Slurp on a refreshing pineapple ice tea or pineapple and lime mocktail on summer days or toss in pineapple and mango to make a wholesome smoothie bowl. One glass of pineapple a day is recommended by nutritionists, but you may want to consult a doctor before deciding on the portion of any fruit you wish to add to your diet as per your health conditions.

12. Apricot: Nourishes Hair

Apricots are highly recommended by nutritionists chiefly because they contain two essential fatty acids and their high Vitamin content help stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. The golden and orange coloured fruit is a powerhouse of nutrients that keep your hair nourished and your scalp healthy.

It is especially recommended to fight dry hair and flaky scalp. Including apricots in your diet can give you stronger and longer hair that is easy to style. You can make apricot and almond energy bars or oatmeal cookies with apricots.

13. Pomegranate: Stimulates Hair Growth

The pomegranate, of which India is the largest producer around the world, is known to help stimulate hair growth. Pomegranate is packed with antioxidants that strengthen your hair and keep your scalp healthy. These two are key factors for hair growth.

A pomegranate breakfast smoothie is a wonderful way to start your day with a dose of hair health. You can also sprinkle them on your salads and yogurts.

14. Kiwi: Prevents Early Greying

Kiwis are small fruits which pack not just a lot of flavor, but also plenty of health benefits. Kiwi is full of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium.

A key benefit of kiwi is that it can prevent premature greying. Kiwi is also great in fighting hair loss and preventing dandruff in the scalp by improving blood circulation. Kiwi smoothies look and taste great and you should certainly give that a go.

15. Grapefruit: Strengthens Hair

Grapefruit (chakotara) has a flavour which can range from bittersweet to sour, it also contains a range of essential vitamins and minerals which work together to protect, cleanse and revitalise your scalp and hair.

Grapefruit contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, pantothenic acid, fiber, copper, potassium, and biotin. Like all citrus fruits, grapefruit is rich in vitamin C which strengthens your hair follicles and promotes hair growth.

16. Plum: Keeps Scalp Healthy

Plums are relatively low in calories, but are impressively high in nutrients. Plums’ benefits include a variety of vitamins and minerals, in addition to fiber, all of which our body and scalp need.

If your hormonal balance gets disrupted, it can lead to several health problems including hair loss. Adrenal glands are critical to maintain our hormonal balance.

By reversing adrenal gland fatigue, plums help stop hair loss and encourage new hair growth. Plums can also be used to make hair masks to fight off the bacteria on our scalp and soothe the irritated scalp. You can whip up a healthy plum crumble or a plum granola bar.

17. Blueberries: Stimulates Hair Growth

Perennially flowering blueberry plants are another good friend of your hair. Being low on calories and rich in proanthocyanidins, aka plant chemicals, blueberries are super food not just for the body, but also for the hair.

Plant chemicals stimulate hair follicles which can facilitate hair growth. Blueberries also have a ton of vitamin C, without which your hair can break more easily.

So try making the mouth-watering and super healthy blueberry crumble or a blueberry and pineapple oatmeal smoothie which you can slurp on even at your desk.

18. Mango: Keeps Scalp Healthy

There are a slew of health-related reasons to eat delicious mangoes - a staple in Indian households. The high Vitamin C content, fiber and pectin in mango makes it a perfect fruit for great skin and healthy hair.

The fruit also is known to control high cholesterol levels. The benefits of mangoes on the skin are well known but mangoes are great for your hair too. It makes your hair shiny, smooth and tangle-free. For nourished hair, mangoes are a safe and effective bet.

19. Cherry: Prevents Breakage

Cherries bring your hair back to life! Packed with Vitamin B and Vitamin C, they help prevent breakage and keep your scalp moisturized, healthy, lustrous and soft. Cherries also contain melatonin which helps treat sleep deficiency, jet lag and have anti inflammatory properties.

Cherries also have antioxidant properties and the melatonin makes them highly recommended for a good night of beauty sleep. A cup of cherries contain about 100 calories and you can consider drinking cherry juice every day or just snacking on some sliced cherries during lunch.

20. Date: Strengthens Hair

Dates have been traditionally associated with many skin and hair benefits. They are an extremely nutritious fruit that is packed with just the right minerals - especially iron - which keeps your hair strong and prevents breakage.

The iron content in dates makes sure that there is proper blood circulation to your scalp - thus strengthening hair follicles, preventing hair loss and stimulating the growth of hair. Consuming two to three dates per day will give you stronger hair. You can pack a box of dates for your lunch along with chopped nuts or add them to sweeten your salad.

How To Add More Fruits To Your Diet? 

Adding fruits to your diet is perhaps the easiest way to healthy hair. Guidelines recommend 2 to 2.5 cups of fruits daily. The important thing is to make sure that you vehemently ensure to make fruits a part of the diet everyday. You can make amazingly simple smoothies and salads with healthy fruits!

Wrapping Up

Before you end up spending a lot of money on other treatments, pay attention to your hair type and regular diet - the first step towards your goal of healthy skin and hair. Picking the right fruits is important for healthy hair growth and for strengthening and nourishing your hair. Consult a dietician or nutritionist to chalk out a diet plan to include these 20 colourful fruits in your diet today!

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