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  5. Gluconolactone: The Gentle Acid Every Skin Type Needs Right Away!

Do acids in skincare often perplex you? Well, they are considered miracle ingredients in the beauty industry for having transformed the skin of countless women.

However, the popular acids AHAs and BHAs can cause allergic reactions in sensitive skin. Thus, you should know about their gentler counterpart, gluconolactone, which is a PHA (poly-hydroxy acid). This mild exfoliative agent can be used on every skin type!

So, let’s learn more about gluconolactone and how you can incorporate it in your beauty regime.

What Is Gluconolactone? Is Gluconolactone Safe?

Gluconolactone is a powdery substance extracted from gluconic acid, found in animals and corn. It is a mild exfoliator formed by many groups of hydrogen-oxygen pairs. It’s these numerous water-attracting hydroxyl groups that give gluconolactone hydrating and moisture-retaining properties.

While alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) are more popular, gluconolactone is a milder cousin that also acts as a humectant (moisture-lock). Thus, it is ideal even for sensitive skin types. [1]

Gluconolactone eliminates dead cells from the outermost layer of your skin, resulting in a brighter and smoother complexion.

How Can Gluconolactone Help Your Skin?

While it’s popularly known as an exfoliator, gluconolactone is a multi-tasker jam-packed with a host of goodness and unique benefits:

1. Exfoliates the skin

Almost all skin types can handle gluconolactone as it’s a gentle exfoliant. Akin to other exfoliants, this one too dissolves the dry, dead layer from the top of your skin, leaving you with improved skin texture and tone. Additionally, it also helps you get rid of excess oil. However, unlike gluconolactone’s acid counterparts, it doesn’t penetrate very deep into the skin, making the side effects like flakiness or redness minimal. [2]

2. Hydrates the skin

Unlike AHAs that don’t have this water-loving capacity, gluconolactone attracts water to the skin. It draws this water from the deeper layers of the skin as well as the environment. It also ensures the moisture stays locked in and doesn’t flow out, making it much gentler on the skin. If your skin is sensitive to AHAs, you can easily swap them out with gluconolactone. [3]

3. Acts as an antioxidant

It’s not an antioxidant in the traditional sense and you cannot compare it to the likes of vitamin E or vitamin C. But there is proof that gluconolactone has some chelating properties, which gives it the ability to fight against UV rays and pollution, and neutralize free radicals. [4]

How To Use Gluconolactone?

You can find gluconolactone in many beauty products, from moisturizers to toners and serums to face masks. Look at the label for the right instructions. More than anything, before you use gluconolactone, it’s recommended that you understand your skin type and concerns. Visit a dermatologist who can help determine the best way to use gluconolactone.

Who Should Use Gluconolactone?

If you’re looking to lessen wrinkles, fine lines and spots, but feel that acid-based ingredients like AHAs or BHAs have caused irritation, redness, peeling or any other reactions, then gluconolactone may be a better option for you.

The bottom line is that gluconolactone is excellent for all skin types, specifically those with mature or sensitive skin.

How Often Should You Use Gluconolactone?

For a general sense, how often you should use gluconolactone entirely depends on the other ingredients and products you’re using. Typically, you should use an exfoliator containing gluconolactone just a few times a week. You can slather on moisturizer with gluconolactone as often as twice a day.

Largely, gluconolactone works synergistically with other retinoids and acids. But if you have sensitive skin, you can never be too careful! When you use a combination of products, it’s best to spread them out. You could either use different acids/retinoids during the day and gluconolactone at night or on alternate days. Do what works best for you.

SkinKraft Tip

Gluconolactone being a humectant, can be paired with any hydrating moisturizer for an extra boost of hydration. It will pull the water from the moisturizer into your skin.

What Does Gluconolactone Work Well With?

You’ll have no problem pairing gluconolactone with a few skincare staples such as retinoids, AHAs, BHAs and vitamin C. It’s a superb element for an overall anti-aging regimen. [5]

Don’t Mix Gluconolactone With?

Typically, gluconolactone is pally with most ingredients and poses no issues. The only thing you’ll have to pay attention to is over-exfoliating, when you use gluconolactone along with other exfoliants and acids.

Especially when you’re battling acne, exfoliating can be tricky. The room for error is marginal and over-exfoliating can lead to creating more inflammation, redness and breakouts.

What Can You Expect From Gluconolactone?

As with other serums or creams, the results aren’t instant. Studies show that continuous use of gluconolactone helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines in six weeks, but twelve weeks yields better results.

If you’re on the lookout for a dependable ingredient, not just a quick fix, and you’re ready to work on your skin for the long-term, gluconolactone will be a great option.

Interesting Facts About Gluconolactone

  • Gluconolactone is called as the next generation AHA.
  • It gently smoothens and evens out your skin tone by getting rid of the dead skin cells on the surface.
  • Prolonged use of gluconolactone offers anti-aging benefits such as fewer wrinkles and thick skin [6].
  • It’s a great ingredient for those with sensitive skin as well. [7]
  • Along with exfoliating properties, it also possesses moisturizing properties.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Gluconolactone?

In general, gluconolactone is gentle and shows little or no side effects [8]. Although there’s no harm in taking a little extra precaution. Particularly if you’re someone who has sensitive skin or other existing skin-related issues such as eczema, psoriasis or atopic dermatitis, it’s better you test out the ingredient on a small area of your skin to check for sensitivities. If you experience more than mild inflammation, itching or burning, you must get in touch with your doctor or dermatologist.

Wrapping Up

If you’re particular about your skincare, you should familiarize yourself with the magical PHA, gluconolactone. It’s making its way into the news for being a gentle exfoliator, and can be a game-changer in your skincare regime. Here's to skincare that has it all!

Begin By Knowing Your Skin

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