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  5. Interesting Damp Hair Hacks You Should Definitely Know

Almost every time you wash your hair, you're in a hurry to step out, aren't you? In that rush, you often end up reaching out for your blow dry! But, did you know that this fast-drying process can damage your hair permanently?

We understand your hectic schedules. However, your hair is a delicate and fragile part of your body. It turns even more sensitive after a wash. Thus, you need to handle it gently.

In this article, we will help you out with damp hair hacks, including some steps you can follow for quick drying without damaging it.

What Is Damp Hair?

If you towel-dry your hair after a hair wash, your hair does not completely dry up but it is not dripping wet either. This slightly wet condition of your hair is known as damp hair. Damp hair is more prone to damage. Thus, it needs special care and attention.

Difference Between Damp Hair & Wet Hair

Post a shower, when your hair is completely soaked in water with dripping water droplets, then you can consider your hair wet. As mentioned above, damp hair is the condition between completely wet and fully dry locks.

Difference Between Damp Hair & Wet Hair

Damp Hair & Your Scalp

When it comes to damp hair, the biggest problem you may face is scalp fungus. Your scalp is a place where large varieties of microbes are found. Most of these microbes are harmless.

But, Malassezia Globosa [1] can be problematic. Malassezia causes irritation, dryness, itch, and dandruff. Damp hair makes this scalp issue worse.

Things You Should Never Do To Your Damp Hair

Taking proper precautions for your damp hair is necessary if you want stronger and healthier locks. To make sure your hair isn't facing any unwanted breakage, avoid the following listed below:

1. Brushing Damp hair

Almost every hair expert would agree that brushing damp hair is harmful. Only when your hair is tangled badly and you are unable to detangle it, you can use a comb on damp hair. Let your hair dry at least 90 % before brush it very gently.

2. Tying Up Damp Hair

Avoid tying up your damp hair into a bun or ponytail. Damp hair has the maximum elasticity and it is prone to breakage. If you tie it up, it may cause extremely dry ends. The same condition goes for ponytails. Your scalp will not have enough air to dry itself up and it may lead to eczema or other skin irritations.

3. Usage Of Curling Iron Or Straightener

Styling your damp hair is very tempting. But you must avoid it at any cost. Using a curling iron or straightener on your damp hair simply means purposely damaging it.

4. Blow Drying On High Heat

Blow drying your damp hair is a time saver. So if you absolutely must use it, don't opt for the high heat mode. Use really low heat as it will reduce the hair damage.

5. Apply A Hair Mask

Applying a hair mask on damp hair is less effective than a normal hair mask application. Maximizing the effect of your hair mask would need complete dry hair. If you still insist on applying the mask on damp hair, then you must at least thoroughly towel-dry your hair. It would be easier for the mask to penetrate your shaft.

Apply A Hair Mask

Why You Should Keep Hair Damp Before Drying It?

Damp hair and sleeping have always been considered a bad pair. But, it’s time to bust some myths:

1. Common Cold

Your family has always warned you about catching a cold if you sleep with damp hair. Right? Well, chances of that is a bare minimum. Experts suggest the common cold has nothing to with us being cold for a longer time.

The reason behind the common cold is mostly viruses, mainly rhinovirus [2]. These types of viruses enter your mouth, eyes, or nose through air droplets if an infected person coughs or sneezes in front of you.

2. Fungal Infections

As mentioned earlier, damp hair increases the risk of fungal infections in your scalp. Along with the natural microbes you have in your scalp, your pillow is also a home for fungus. It breeds more when you offer them a wet and cold pillowcase.

A study [3] on fungal contamination of bedding has reported that fungus flora is found in regularly used pillowcases. The experiment was done on 10 pillows, used for a minimum of 1.5 years. And the most commonly found virus was fumigatus [4] which causes severe infections among low immune people.

3. Hair Breakage

Your hair is the weakest when they are damp. When you are asleep, there is a high chance of hair breakage. This issue particularly increases if you tie up your damp hair before sleeping. In case you can’t avoid sleeping with damp hair, let your hair loose for the night.

Hair Breakage

Precautions To Avoid Damp Hair Damage

1. Coconut Oil Application

It is widely known that coconut oil [5] prevents hair breakage. Your hair cuticle is made up of flaps. Wet hair soaks water and swells up, which makes your hair more damage-prone. Coconut oil helps to reduce the water your hair has absorbed.

Word Of Caution

If you have seborrheic eczema [6], we suggest you avoid coconut oil. Coconut oil may make it worse.

2. Usage Of Conditioner

The hair conditioner works as a shield to your hair cuticle. It reduces friction among the hair strands and makes it easier to detangle. Regular conditioning will help your hair grow healthy over time.

3. Dry Your Hair Naturally

Wash your hair at least 1 and a half hours before sleeping. It will dry up a minimum of 80% of your hair naturally before you go to bed. The more you dry your hair naturally, the less are the chances of hair damage.

4. Silk Pillow At Your Rescue

Silk Pillowcases have extraordinary benefits for hair. Though not scientifically proven, the milder surface of a silk pillow may help reduce your hair damage and give you the beauty sleep you desire.

Silk Pillow At Your Rescue

SkinKraft Tip:

Squeeze out the excess water from your hair gently after a hair wash. Avoid rubbing your hair with a towel. We suggest you pat it dry with care to save your hair’s cuticle.

Can You Apply Bleach On Your Damp Hair?

Applying bleach on your hair in a wrong way may end up in a terrible result. Bleach contains harsh chemical substances, which may end up burning your scalp or dry up your precious locks. You don’t want to be the victim of this horrific accident, right? Then read on!

To answer your question, yes, you can apply bleach on your damp hair depending on the color you're looking for.

If you want a lighter shade, then it’s a great decision to apply bleach on damp hair. When you combine the bleach powder with the developer, mix 10-30 percent hydrogen peroxide. This developer is already water-based and your damp hair adds up to it. The water on your hair dilutes the bleach and it takes more time to complete the process.

However, bleaching on damp hair won’t give the ultimate lighting you want. The effect of bleach would be less powerful than the normal procedure. Generally, if you apply the bleach properly, your shade will stay on your hair for at least six months before it starts fading.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know all the nitty-gritty of damp hair related issues, it’s time to spring into action. Apart from the solutions we spoke about, it’s important to consult doctors in case of serious hair damage or scalp issues.

But one thing you must remember, no matter what choices you make regarding your hair, it must be treated with love and care. So what are you waiting for? Say goodbye to all your hair problems and give a big hug to your glorious mane.

Begin By Knowing Your Skin

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