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  5. How To Manage Small Bumps On Face?

Are those little bumps on your face bothering you? Not sure how to get rid of them and get back your smooth skin? Well, bumps are formed due to various underlying factors. It is essential to know what kind of a bump has developed on your face.

As long as a bump does not change in any manner, it is harmless. However, you must seek the help of a dermatologist when the bump changes in:

  • Color
  • Shape
  • Size
  • Bleeds

Read on to know about different types of bumps and ways to remove them from your face:

Types Of Bumps

1. Comedones


Comedones are the most common kind of bumps that may appear on your face.

How Do They Appear?

Comedone (clogged pores) can appear as closed comedones (whiteheads) and open comedones (blackheads) on the face. [1]


Blackheads develop when a pore is clogged by sebum and dead skin cells. The top of the pore is open and is black in color.

Whiteheads develop in the same way as blackheads but the top is closed.


To manage such comedones, our in-house dermatologist Dr Harish Kautam recommends you wash your face twice a day using salicylic acid cleanser. Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties and can help unclog pores.

There are a wide variety of treatment options for different types of acne.

2. Pimples


Pimples are a type of inflammatory acne.

How Do They Appear?

They appear like pus filled red colored bumps on your face.


Pimples form when a hair follicle ruptures and spills debris in the dermal layer of the skin. This causes swelling and a red bump known as a pimple. [2]

Do not pop a pimple as it can aggravate the inflammation.


Benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid are considered to be one of the most effective treatment methods for pimples. [3]

3. Milia


Milia, also called ‘milk spots’ is commonly spotted in newborn babies, but occurs in children and adults too.

How Do They Appear?

Milia are small white bumps occurring on the skin near the eyes, cheeks and nose of your face.


They form when keratinized dead skin cells and oil is trapped below the surface of the skin. [4]


Treatment options include alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) that help in skin exfoliation. Even though milia are harmless, you may be irritated at their sight. You may consider extraction options under the supervision of a dermatologist. [5]

4. Moles


According to doctors, every single person has at least one mole on their skin.

How Do They Appear?

Moles are red or brown spots, or bumps found on the face. Moles are common in a lot of people.


They form when melanocytes (skin cells that produce melanin) grow in clusters rather than spreading out. [6]


If a mole begins to increase in size, color or shape, there could be an underlying problem. The most serious problem could be the onset of skin cancer. Make sure you consult a dermatologist if you notice a bleeding mole or a discolored mole. [7]

If there is no increase in size, follow a routine of cleansing your face twice a day with a gentle yet effective cleanser. Steam open your pores. Exfoliate once a week to get rid of the dead skin cells. Also, make sure you protect your skin with sunscreen every time you step out.

5. Xanthelasma


Xanthelasma is a skin condition that often occurs due to high levels of cholesterol in the body. It is advised to get your cholesterol levels checked in case you have xanthelasma.

How Do They Appear?

Xanthelasma is irregularly shaped white to yellow bumps on your eyelids and around the eyes.


They are made up of cholesterol. There could be high (bad) cholesterol or low (good) cholesterol. There could be cholesterol that is genetically inherited (familial hypercholesterolemia). [8]


They can be removed surgically, by laser treatment, or cryotherapy (freezing it off with intense cold). [9]

6. Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Sebaceous Hyperplasia refers to a common benign skin lesion composed of sebaceous glands.

How Do They Appear?

These appear as white, yellowish, or skin-colored bumps on your face.


Sebaceous glands present in the skin produce sebum. When these sebaceous glands are enlarged, they reach the surface of the skin and form sebaceous hyperplasia.


They are harmless. But if you are bothered with them, they can be treated using isotretinoin [10]. Cryotherapy and laser treatment is also recommended for sebaceous hyperplasia.

7. Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

One of the most serious bumps are that of cancer. Skin cancer is a growth of abnormal cells in the epidermis that is beyond control[11].There are three major types of skin cancer — basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.

How Do They Appear?

They can be found on your face in white, red, pink, brown or skin color.


Skin cancer develops due to prolonged sun exposure. Other important factors causing skin cancer include chemical agents, X rays, moles and family history. [12]


It can be treated when diagnosed in the early stage. Surgical removal is the best treatment option. [13]

What Not To Do When You Have Bumps?

1. Do not touch your face with unclean hands

2. Do not aggressively scrub your face or use a harsh soap or cleanser

3. Do not pick, pop or squeeze a mole on the face

4. Do not use moisturizers that have oil in them or are greasy

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