Rosemary & Caffeine Pro-Growth Hair Serum

Rosemary & Caffeine Pro-Growth Hair Serum


₹ 799.00

Rosemary & Caffeine Pro-Growth Hair Serum

What It Does

The Pro-Growth Hair Serum is infused with anti-hair fall and hair growth-inducing ingredients. The ultra-modern serum is mild on the scalp and goes deep to rejuvenate and strengthen the hair follicles- preventing hair fall. It also helps in controlling frizz by smoothening the hair.

This serum activates the dormant hair follicle tissue on your scalp for hair regeneration.

  • The Rosemary extracts in the serum unclogs hair follicles and strengthens the hair, thereby preventing hair fall. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the scalp.
  • It is infused with 18-MEA that repairs the cuticle layer- the outermost layer of the hair. It moisturizes and nourishes the hair, and controls frizz.
  • The Antioxidants promote healthy hair growth by protecting the strands and follicles against cell damage. They also act as a catalyst to hair growth by increasing the blood and nutrient supply to the scalp.
  • The Caffeine in the serum stimulates hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the hair follicles. It also makes the hair stronger, fuller, and thicker.

How To Use

Apply 8 - 10 drops on the scalp. Massage it into the scalp and through the length of the hair strands. For best results, use daily at night.

Quantity: 50 ml

Formulated For: 60 days