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  5. What Causes Excessive Sweating On Your Face? + 6 Ways To Stop It

Are you bothered about your excessive sweaty face and head? Know that you are not alone!

Sweating is a natural process that helps to prevent overheating in your body. However, excess of it can cause discomfort and might also be a symptom of an underlying condition.

In this article, we tell you what causes excessive sweating on the face and how you can manage it.

Why Do You Sweat?

Sweating might be a not-so-good experience for you but it is a vital process to control your regular body temperature. The normal temperature of your body is around 90 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the temperature may increase due to outside weather conditions, any kind of physical activity or fever.

If your body is not able to cool that temperature down, there are repercussions. There is a high chance of you suffering a heat stroke or other health issues.

Fortunately, the human body is made with a highly sophisticated mechanism that allows the body temperature to cool down when required. The hypothalamus of your brain sends out signals to the eccrine sweat glands as soon as your body temperature starts rising. That’s when you start sweating and this way the temperature of your body cools down.

Other conditions also tend to make you sweat such as experiencing extreme emotions or eating spicy food. When you are stressed out, excited or terrified about something, your body starts sweating too. But this sweating is partially different from your regular sweat.

That’s because when you are stressed out or scared, your body initiates a fight or flight response irrespective of your temperature. It activates the apocrine sweat glands of your body and you start sweating. [1]

At times, when you eat spicy food, your mouth feels like it’s on fire. That’s when your brain is tricked to think that your body is overheating and it sends a signal to your sweat glands. Also, during the process of metabolizing food, you experience a light sweat. Same reason, you feel a little restless and sweaty after having a heavy meal.

Did You Know?

Hyperhidrosis can happen to anyone irrespective of their gender and age. It can start at any point in your life. In fact, few surveys show that almost 365 million suffer from excessive sweating.

What Causes Of Excessive Face And Head Sweating?

Hyperhidrosis [2] is a common health condition that makes you sweat excessively. When hyperhidrosis affects your face and head, it is called Craniofacial Hyperhidrosis. The reason your body releases sweat is to cool down the body temperature.

But in the case of hyperhidrosis, you sweat too much without any reason, even when your body doesn't need to cool down anyway. Almost 2 to 3 people in 100 are impacted by this condition.

Hyperhidrosis is of two types - primary focal hyperhidrosis and secondary hyperhidrosis. When excessive sweating is not related to any underlying medical condition or ongoing medication, it is identified as primary focal hyperhidrosis. However, secondary hyperhidrosis is associated with underlying medical conditions or certain medications.

Besides these, there are other factors that lead to excessive sweating on your face and head. They are:

1. Genetics

A study conducted on focal hyperhidrosis suggests that almost 30%- 50% of people with excessive sweating have a family history of the same.

2. Large amount of sweat glands:

Your face and head consist of more sweat glands in comparison to other parts of the body. Naturally, if you have an excessive sweating problem, it is more visible on your face and head.

3. Weather Conditions

Extreme humid or hot weather conditions work as triggers for hyperhidrosis.

4. Extreme Emotions

Emotions like anger, fear, stress and anxiety are often responsible for excessive sweating among people.

5. Medical Conditions

Certain health conditions cause hyperhidrosis as a side effect. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, spinal cord injury and menopause are associated with excessive sweating. [3]

6. Certain Medications

Medications like antidepressants, antibiotics, antiviral medicines, painkillers lead to excessive sweating. [4]

The Pros & Cons Of Sweating On The Face



Sweating on your face keeps your skin cool and moisturizing.

It makes your body lose water to a certain level. Excessive sweating can cause serious dehydration.

Sweating on your face makes your skin appear dewy and glowy.

When your sweat mixes with sebum and dirt, it blocks your skin pores leading to acne. Also, a sweaty or moist face is an ideal place for acne-causing bacteria to thrive.

Sweating often kills the germs on your face.

Your sweat consists of urea and ammonia too which can irritate your skin and cause discomfort.

How To Stop Excessive Sweating On Face & Head?

1. Antiperspirants

The easiest way to manage excessive sweating is to use antiperspirants that contain aluminium chloride. There are body sprays available in the market that are formulated to control your sweating issues. Also, you may resort to prescribed antiperspirants that contain aluminium chloride hexahydrate.

Important Note:

Prescribed antiperspirants are mostly strong and can sometimes be harsh on your skin. Be careful while using antiperspirants and ask your doctor to share tips to avoid skin irritation, if you notice any.

2. Botox Injections

It may sound crazy but botox injections can help you control your excessive sweating. It can reduce the functions of nerves that are responsible for the extra active sweat glands. However, it may take several sessions for the injections to work.

3. Oral Medications

A medicine called anticholinergics [5] is considered to be an ideal medication for hyperhidrosis. However, keep in mind that it may cause certain side effects like dry mouth, dizziness, constipation and urinary retention. Also, medicines like beta-blockers and benzodiazepines are capable of controlling physical symptoms of anxiety such as sweating.

4. Iontophoresis

It is a therapy wherein your doctor will run a low-level electrical current through your body. [6] In this procedure, you are either submerged in water or lying on a moistened pad. It is mostly used for the armpit, feet and hands. Usually, doctors do not use this procedure for the face.

5. Removal of sweat glands

In this procedure, the affected sweat glands that cause excessive sweating are removed from your body. It can be done either through surgery or by using electromagnetic radiation to destroy the sweat glands.

6. Sympathectomy

Sympathectomy is performed to cut or clip the nerves that are triggering your sweat glands to sweat more than they normally do. That way the nerves are stopped to send signals to your sweat glands and your problem of hyperhidrosis is solved. [7]

SkinKraft Tip:

It's always advisable to consult your doctor before you start taking any medication or decide to go ahead with any of the above-mentioned procedures.

10 Easy Tips To Keep Excessive Sweating Under Control

1. If you have excessive sweating issues, keep a soft and dry towel handy. Whenever you feel you need to clean your sweat, use the towel to dry it off. Be gentle when you wipe it off with the towel.

2. Shower every day to get rid of all the germs and bacteria from your skin. Remember, hygiene is of utmost importance.

3. If you are using antiperspirant, try using it in the morning and before going to bed.

4. Be mindful in choosing your regular clothes. Try wearing comfortable clothes, preferably cotton ones that let your skin breathe.

5. Limit your caffeine intake and avoid spicy food as much as you can.

6. Sweating makes you lose a lot of water which can lead to dehydration. Drink enough water to stay hydrated if you sweat a lot.

7. Use a mild face powder to absorb the extra sweat or moisture on your face.

8. Carry a small hand-fan if you are going out. This can help to cool you down whenever needed.

9. Since, the metabolizing process heats your body, have small yet frequent meals to regulate the body temperature.

10. Avoid working out if you are extremely tired or have just finished some physical activity. It may increase your sweating issue otherwise.

Wrapping Up

While sweating is the most natural thing that happens in your body, excessive sweating can be stressful, especially if it is on your face and head. It can be discomforting but you can resort to simple ways to control it. However, if you experience excessive and uncontrollable sweating on your face and head without any reason, you should contact your doctor. Your doctor will determine if there's an underlying condition behind it and suggest a treatment based on the severity.

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