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  5. Pimples On Your Forehead? Get Rid Of Them With These Remedies!

Is the acne on your forehead messing with your mood? Your T-zone, which consists of the forehead and nose, often tends to be more oily than the rest of your face. The excess sebum in this area leads to clogging of pores, which causes acne on the forehead.

Worry not, as it is not an unusual condition and can be treated easily. Read on to know how.

What Causes Forehead Acne?

Excess oil, dirt and bacteria can clog your skin’s pores, resulting in inflammatory acne on the forehead. They can be in the form of pustules, papules, nodules or cysts. Here are some of the factors responsible for acne on your forehead:

1. Oily Skin

An oily T-zone can result in breakouts on the forehead.

2. Hormonal Changes

Hormones play a major role in stimulating sebum production. Hormonal imbalances during puberty can cause acne breakouts on your forehead.

3. Certain Medications

Some medications can cause acne or acne-like eruptions on the skin.

4. Stress

High levels of stress is also linked to experiencing acne breakouts. (1)

5. Poor Hygiene

Not maintaining adequate hygiene levels is said to play a role in contributing to acne. Leaving your hair and face greasy, and not washing them regularly can leave oil deposits on your face that result in acne.

6. Hair Products

Hair products that irritate your scalp can result in acne on your forehead. If you don’t wash your hair regularly, it can get greasy. This grease can be transported onto your forehead, resulting in clogged pores.

7. Oily Scalp & Dandruff

Dandruff can make your scalp oily. When the grease spreads to the forehead, it results in acne breakouts. Dandruff is one of the most common causes of forehead acne.

8. Skincare Products Or Makeup

If you have an oily T-zone, using oil-based products can result in forehead acne.

9. Hair Accessories

Hair accessories like headbands can irritate your skin and result in forehead acne.

How To Treat Acne On Forehead?

1. Over-The-Counter Medication

A. Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide in concentrations of 10 percent or less is said to be effective in treating acne.

Topical forms come in the form of creams, lotions and gels. Benzoyl peroxide has anti-inflammatory properties that is effective in reducing acne. (2)

B. Salicylic Acid

A popular ingredient in skincare products, salicylic acid is a good way of getting rid of that annoying pimple! It is also used in chemical peels to reduce acne. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is an effective remedy in treating inflammatory acne. (3)

C. Topical Retinoids

Topical retinoids work well in treating inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne. (4) Their efficacious and safe profiles have made them popular for dermatological use over the years.

2. Prescription-Based Treatments

A. Ointments

Your doctor may prescribe certain ointments or creams to help you reduce forehead acne and lesions.

B. Birth Control Pills

This doesn’t fit here, does it? Well, birth control pills decrease the circulation of androgens. Androgens are hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum in the body. Certain birth control pills may be recommended by your doctor to improve acne symptoms. (5)

C. Antibiotics

Oral antibiotics are usually recommended in combination with a topical treatment. Oral antibiotics are effective in treating acne and have been used in dermatology for over 40 years. (6)

3. In-Office Methods

A. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels work as exfoliators. They remove the top layer of your skin to regenerate your normal skin beneath. Your dermatologist will recommend a peel based on your skin type and the severity of your acne. (7)

B. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion uses a hand-held device to remove the top layer of the skin. This in-office method renews overall skin texture, tone and maintains skin health. Studies suggest that microdermabrasion can improve acne symptoms considerably. (8)

C. Laser Therapy

Laser therapy has become popular to reduce acne and improve a lot of other skin conditions in the recent past.

Laser therapy reduces inflammation and can considerably improve your overall skin texture. (9)

D. Steroid Injections

If you’re stuck with a stubborn pimple or have a huge event coming up in a day or two, steroid injections are a quick fix. These injections provide relief to inflamed areas of the body.

However, they can leave a pit behind that may take a few months to fade away. They are not recommended as a regular treatment for acne.

4. Home Remedies

A. Tea Tree Oil

An age-old tradition, tea tree oil can be used to treat mild to moderate acne. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can reduce pimples on the forehead. (10)

B. At-Home Face Masks

A combination of aloe vera gel and tea tree oil can work well to reduce pimples on the forehead.

Try this!

1. Take 2-3 teaspoons of aloe vera gel.

2. Mix the gel with 3-4 drops of tea tree oil.

3. Apply it to the affected area with a soft cotton pad and leave it on overnight.

4. When you wake up in the morning, rinse your face clean.

5. Repeat this every night till you see an improvement.

C. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties that can bring your acne under control. It also helps maintain pH levels of your skin. (11)

D. Steam Treatment

Facial steaming can soften non-inflamed acne. Whiteheads and blackheads can be easily removed with this treatment. Do not remove the comedones harshly. This should ideally be done by a professional.

Tips To Prevent Forehead Acne

1. Wash Your Face Twice A Day

Prevent Forehead Acne

If you have an oily T-zone, wash your face two times a day. Do not over-wash. Over-washing can dehydrate your skin and stimulate sebum production. (12)

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliate one or two times a week. This will help you remove dead skin cells and dirt.

3. Eat Healthy Food

Foods that are rich in Vitamin A, E and C help you achieve healthy skin. Research indicates that high-carb diets contribute to breakouts. Avoid foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates. (13)

4. Don’t Touch Your Pimples

Touching your pimples can deposit bacteria from your fingers onto the rest of your skin. You want to avoid breakouts on other parts of your body!

5. Remove Makeup Before Sleeping

Makeup can clog your pores. Water-based makeup removers work well if you have an oily T-zone.

6. Change Your Pillow Covers Regularly And Maintain Hygiene

Sleeping on the same bed covers and pillows can spread bacteria causing acne to other parts of your face. Change your pillow covers and sheets regularly to prevent this.

7. Use Shampoos That Suit Your Scalp

If you have an oily scalp, use shampoos recommended to reduce the grease in your hair.

8. Eliminate Dandruff

Consult your dermatologist about using anti-dandruff shampoos and hair products that will help reduce dandruff.

Begin By Knowing Your Skin

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