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  5. How To Choose Cleanser For Acne-Prone Skin?

Have you been led to believe that cleansing acne-prone skin many times a day can reduce your breakouts? If yes, it is time to change your belief.

Acne-prone skin needs cleansing. But over cleansing can increase your acne. It is essential to know when, how and what to cleanse your skin with.

1. What Is A Cleanser?

The cleanser is a skincare product meant to remove dirt, dust, excess oils and makeup residue from your face.

It is the first and most important step in any skincare routine. We repeat this over and over again, because cleansing prepares your skin for the next set of skincare products.

2. How To Choose Cleanser For Acne-Prone Skin?

Consider the following before choosing a cleanser for acne-prone skin.

A. Suits Your Skin

An ideal cleanser should suit your skin and be non-comedogenic[1]. It should not be heavy and oil based.

B. Deep Cleanses Rather Than Over Cleanses

A cleanser should function by deep cleansing and not over-cleansing. Over cleansing strips off your face’s natural oils and disrupts the skin’s pH balance.

Choose a cleanser that does not interfere with the skin’s natural barrier. It should not make the skin prone to bacteria and other foreign substances.

C. Does Not Irritate Your Skin

Make sure that your cleanser does not contain harsh chemicals.

Also remember to use a cleanser that does not contain any exfoliating ingredients in it. Such ingredients may further irritate your skin.

D. Gives You A Fresh Feel

Even though your cleanser needs to be gentle on your skin, it needs to work towards giving you a fresh feel. What is the point of a cleanser if it cannot give you a squeaky clean look?

3. Know Your Skin

Knowing your skin will make it easy for you to pick skincare products suited to your skin type.

Skin types are broadly classified as:

Acne-prone skin is usually oily, which means that there is excess production of oil (sebum). This occurs due to overactive sebaceous glands[2].

 overactive sebaceous glands

Best cleanser for acne prone skin is the one that controls excess sebum production.

What Is Acne?

Acne or acne vulgaris is a skin condition that occurs when a pore becomes clogged with dead skin cells, oils and a type of bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes). [3] A lot of factors like improper diet, stress, pollution, hormones, sun’s rays, poor hygiene, certain medications and wrong skincare can contribute to the development of acne in teens as well as adults.

Acne or acne vulgaris

4. Look For Key Ingredients

Harsh cleansers or face washes have the tendency to remove natural oils from your face, making it feel tight and dry.

Some of the key ingredients in cleansers for acne prone skin are:

  • Salicylic acid
  • Glycolic acid
  • Benzoyl peroxide

Cleansers with these ingredients penetrate your pores, unclog them, reduce the size of existing blackheads and slow down the formation of new ones.

Topical salicylic acid unclogs pores and reduces the inflammation caused by acne.[4] Cleansers usually contain salicylic acid in concentrations between 0.5 and 5 percent.

Glycolic acid, typically derived from sugar cane, belongs to the alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) family. Glycolic acid removes excess oil in acne-prone skin [5]. It also has anti-aging properties and makes your other products absorb better.

Benzoyl peroxide is used to treat mild to moderate acne. It is antibacterial and helps in exfoliating the skin. Cleansers usually contain Benzoyl Peroxide in concentrations between 2.5 to 10 percent [6].

While these ingredients are present in a lot of products, if you’re not sure of which cleanser to choose, you could try SkinKraft. The good news is that SkinKraft’s dermatologists have formulated a cleanser especially for people with acne-prone skin.

5. Best Cleanser For Acne Prone Skin

SkinKraft Sebum Control Face Cleanser is a customized cleanser for oily and acne-prone skin. It is aimed at controlling the excess production of sebum, besides keeping the skin fresh and clean. One of the active ingredients in this cleanser is niacinamide, which controls the overactive sebaceous glands.

Cleansing FAQs

How To Use/Apply Cleanser?

  • Wet your face with lukewarm water.
  • Use your fingertips to apply cleanser. Gently massage for a minute. Do not scrub your skin as this can further irritate acne-prone skin.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft towel.

How Long Should I Leave Cleanser On My Face?

Rather than letting your cleanser sit on your face, use that time (30-60 seconds) to gently massage it into your skin and then rinse.

A full minute of thorough cleansing is usually enough for those wearing minimal to moderate amount of makeup daily.

Do You Leave Cleanser On Your Face?

It is not advised to leave your cleanser on. Make sure you rinse any cleanser off your face completely. Residue can lead to dryness.

How Often Should You Use Cleanser On Your Face?

Limit washing or cleansing to twice a day. Remember to cleanse your face in the morning and before hitting the bed during the night. Washing your acne-prone skin twice a day ensures clean, gentle and healthy skin.

Best cleanser for acne prone skin is the one that suits your skin and has got all the right ingredients. Skip the pain of searching for a customized cleanser for your acne-prone skin. Let us custom formulate your cleanser for you.

Begin by knowing your skin

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