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  5. How To Care For Your Skin After A Facial: Dos & Don’ts

Pampering your skin with that relaxing and hydrating facial can do a lot of good to your skin. But what’s more important is how you take care of it post the session. There is no point in pampering your skin if you’re not going to maintain it. Here are some dos and don’ts you need to follow after a facial.

1. What Happens To Your Skin After A Facial?

A. It Becomes Sensitive

Not in a negative way - but remember, your skin has undergone a mini surgery with all the blackhead removal, scrubbing, steaming and face packs. Your new cells are exposed and they require some time to mature. For a few hours after your facial, your skin stays sensitive and may react to any harsh products it touches.

B. Your Pores Are Still Open

The steam has opened up your pores. Touching your skin too much can allow dirt and bacteria to accumulate within the deeper layers of your skin.

C. Your Skin Is Well-Hydrated

Even though a lot of moisture has been added to your skin, you need to maintain it by drinking enough water for the next 2-3 days. You don’t want to lose out on that post-facial glow.

2. Dos Post A Facial

A. Use A Gentle Cleanser

Remember that your skin is more sensitive than otherwise post facial. Using a gentle cleanser will allow your skin barrier to stay intact, while removing dirt, debris and unwanted grease off your face.

B. Make Sure Your Cleanser Is pH-Balancing

Your skin’s pH is around 5.7. This makes it weakly acidic (1). Use cleansers that don’t interfere with your skin’s pH levels. Alkaline cleansers can damage your skin’s protective barrier, eventually resulting in a loss of moisture and essential oils.

An easy way of determining if a cleanser is good for your skin is by the amount of foam it produces. A cleanser that produces too much foam may seem deep-cleansing, but likely has an alkaline base. Another way to check the pH of your cleanser is by using a pH strip.

C. Complete All Other Face Treatments Before Your Facial

Face waxing, threading and other such treatments should be done before your facial. Your skin tends to get sensitive post facial. Waxing or threading after your facial can irritate your skin and even contribute to rashes.

D. Drink Enough Water

All the moisturizers, face masks and creams have done a good job with hydrating your skin. Now it’s your turn to hydrate your body to allow the glow to stay for longer. Drink lots of water, juices and other fluids to keep your skin and body hydrated after a facial.

E. Use Fresh Towels And Change Your Pillow Cover

Your pores are wide open. Any dirt or bacteria that touches your face can easily slide through that open pore and block it, resulting in inflammation and zits. Use a freshly-washed towel and change your pillow cover before going to bed.

F. Clean Anything Else That You May Use On Your Face

Sanitize your gadgets and anything else that constantly touches your face. In case you have an event, make sure your makeup brushes are clean.

3. Don’ts Post A Facial

A. Avoid Scrubbing Your Face For The Next 4-5 Days

Exfoliating is great, but over-exfoliating your skin can eradicate its protective layer. Facials involve deep-cleansing and scrubbing that will keep your skin soft and free of dead skin cells for quite a few days.

B. Stay Away From The Sun

UV rays can damage your skin barrier. Always make it a point to stay away from the sun after your facial. All the scrubbing and cleansing involved in a facial can make your skin sensitive. If you do require to go out in the sun right after a facial, make sure you wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen.

C. Don’t Pop Pimples

If you have whiteheads, blackheads or any other zits and pimples that managed to get through the facial, leave them alone. Touching or popping your pimples can cause more breakouts, inflammation or scarring. [2]

D. Don’t Wear Makeup Immediately

Your pores are still open with all the steam and deep-cleansing. Wearing makeup after a facial can clog your pores. Your skin has just undergone a heavy, deep-cleansing session. Give it space to breathe and time for your pores to close, before you let anything get trapped within the deeper layers of your skin.

E. Avoid Using Topical Retinoids Or Acid Peels

At least for 3-4 days after your facial, don’t use topical treatments that may dry out your skin. Your skin is vulnerable and may react to these creams, gels and lotions containing drying ingredients.

Facials are a great way of getting rid of unwanted dirt and bacteria. However, taking precautionary measures after your monthly facial routine is equally important to maintain good skin health.

Begin By Knowing Your Skin

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