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  5. Oily Scalp With Dry Ends: Why & How To Control?

Do you have an oily scalp and dry damaged hair ends? If you are suffering from this frustrating problem, then caring for your hair can seem like a challenge. It may however help to remember that you aren’t alone in this, as this condition is quite common for many.

Oily scalp and dry ends occur when your scalp produces an excessive amount of sebum oil. While on one hand, this makes the roots of your hair greasy and oily, on the other hand, your hair ends remain dry and damaged due to lack of moisture.

Understanding the root cause of why this happens can help you treat the condition. We compile all that you need to know, to deal with such hair issues.

How Would You Know If You Have Oily Scalp & Dry Hair Ends?

To identify whether you have a combination hair type with an oily scalp and dry hair ends, do the following.

  • Wash your hair properly using a shampoo and conditioner. If your hair roots feel oily within 1 to 2 days of washing and the hair ends feel brittle and dry then you surely have a combination of oily scalp and dry hair ends.
  • You may also get combination hair, if you have coloured or bleached your hair recently.
  • An oily scalp easily gets dirty and itchy. You may also experience split ends on the dry hair ends.

What Causes Oily Scalp & Dry Hair Ends?

While oily roots happen due to the overproduction of sebum oil, the reason behind excessive sebum oil secretion can be many. We have listed a few major factors that contribute to an oily scalp.

1. Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition in which you will experience an itchy and inflamed scalp. The scalp will turn pink and scaly and affected areas will produce excessive sebum oil. Extra sebum oil causes dandruff. You may experience white dandruff patches due to this skin condition. Seborrheic dermatitis can also occur as a symptom of autoimmune diseases. If your condition is severe, we suggest you get a check-up done with a doctor. [1]

2. Eczema/ Psoriasis

While various skin conditions can be responsible for your oily scalp, two widely known skin conditions are eczema and psoriasis. In both conditions, your scalp becomes scaly and red. The root of your hair looks extremely greasy. Your scalp may feel waxy and even blistered. [2]

3. Genetics

Your genes determine most of your physical traits. You may get an oily scalp if your family member has a similar trait. Your genes may also influence your hair texture and thickness. People with thin and fine hair are more prone to having an oily scalp with dry hair.

4. Acne

Many of you may have experienced acne on your forehead. While forehead acne is not exactly a reason for an oily scalp, it definitely is a sign that your scalp is producing extra sebum oil. When the sebum oil gets trapped inside your skin pores, red itchy bumps are seen to develop.

blonde woman with comb brushing her very long messy hair

5. Over Washing

While the above reasons cause an oily scalp, over washing may cause dry hair ends. Using shampoo every day is not good for your hair. While a shampoo cleans the scalp and removes the dirt and dust properly, over washing can be harmful. It will strip off the natural oil from your hair strands and make your hair ends dry.

6. Sun Exposure

An extreme level of exposure to UVA and UVB rays can affect your hair and make it extremely dry. Sunlight breaks down the cuticle, which is the outer layer of your hair shaft. This causes hair discolouration and dryness [3].

7. Heating Tools

Using heating hair tools to style the hair is very common nowadays. But no matter how beautiful you look after the styling, the impact of the tools is never good. It damages the hair, making it more breakage-prone and dry. [4]

8. Weather Conditions

Extreme weather conditions also have a strong impact on your hair. Too much heat or cold makes your hair dry and brittle. [5]

How To Control An Oily Scalp & Dry Hair Ends?

1. Begin with knowing your hair so that you can understand your hair’s requirements. Once you get to know what your hair exactly needs, you are halfway through solving your hair issues.

2. Choose hair products that are suitable for your combination hair type. Make sure the shampoo and conditioner serve both your oily scalp and dry hair ends.

3 Avoid using products that have harmful ingredients like parabens, silicons, synthetic fragrances, sulfates, coal tars etc.

4. Try to get products that are made of natural ingredients and natural oils. Irrespective of your hair type, natural products always help to maintain the health of your hair.

5. Many may suggest you to use the same conditioner that your shampoo brands offer. But it is not mandatory. Get a hydrating hair conditioner that will maintain the oil balance of your hair and protect it from dry ends.

6. Get a better diet to maintain your overall health. If you are healthy internally, it will naturally boost your hair growth and solve most of the issues. Add food that is enriched with protein. Also, make sure you have zinc, magnesium, and biotin in your regular diet to get those soft hair strands.

7. Get your hair trimmed whenever you feel your hair ends are damaged and can not be treated with products.

8. Use a scalp scrub to exfoliate your scalp to get rid of the dead skin cells, extra sebum oil and dirt.

How To Take Care Of Your Oily Scalp & Dry Hair Ends?

1. Many believe that brushing oily hair can cause damage, but this isn’t true. In fact, if you brush through your oily scalp, it may help distribute the natural oil evenly throughout the hair.

2. Get yourself a hairbrush that would not damage your hair shafts while brushing. Boar bristle brushes are best suited to distribute the oil evenly on your locks. Make sure the bristles are soft and flexible.

3. Your hair’s health also depends on how you brush your hair. Experts suggest that you should take continuous strokes when you brush your hair. It will help you distribute the oil from your scalp to your locks.

4. If you shampoo your hair daily due to an oily scalp, then you may want to wash only the scalp where it’s needed. That way your dry ends would not get drier due to over washing.

5. Since over washing can cause serious damage, you can use dry shampoo instead. Dry shampoo will clean your hair as well as boost the volume of your hair.

6. Massage your hair with oil to keep it hydrated. This would especially be effective for your dry ends.

7. Avoid using heating tools such as hair straightener, curling irons, or a hairdryer.

How To Choose Products For An Oily Scalp & Dry Hair Ends?

  • First, get rid of hair products that are filled with chemical-based ingredients such as sulfate, paraben, denatured alcohols, synthetic fragrances, formaldehyde, coal tar, silicones, phthalates etc.
  • Choose hair products that offer natural ingredients and are made of natural oils.
  • Choose a mild shampoo and hydrating conditioner for your hair. That’s how your hair will remain moisturized and clean.
  • Get a hair mask that is specifically made for combination hair. You can go for a silicon-free clay hair mask.
  • Choose a hair scrub that will cleanse your scalp and remove the stored dead skin cells, dirt and pollutants.

Wrapping Up

An oily scalp and dry hair ends are a combination that can seem difficult to treat. People with this type of combination hair often face uncertainty in knowing their hair type and choosing products accordingly. However, changing a few habits and choosing products wisely can help you overcome the challenges and maintain beautiful tresses.

Begin By Knowing Your Skin

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