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  5. Postpartum Hair Loss: Why Does It Happen And How Can You Deal With It?

A woman’s body goes through a number of things during pregnancy. No, we are not referring to mood swings and cravings. What we are talking about is that beautiful pregnancy glow and those extra voluminous hair.

But when clumps of that precious hair start falling after your delivery, does it puzzle you? Don’t worry, most women experience unusual hair loss post pregnancy. This condition is often associated with the stress of being a new mother. But, how true is that?

Let us understand why postpartum hair fall actually happens to so many women and how you can stop it.

What Is Postpartum Hair Loss?

Postpartum hair loss occurs post child birth. It usually affects the entire scalp and happens due to hormonal imbalances after pregnancy.

A lot of women tend to associate postpartum hair fall with the stress of having a newborn baby. Well, stress can trigger hair fall. However, in this case, it is more likely that you may be experiencing hair loss due to hormonal fluctuations.

When Does Postpartum Hair Loss Start?

Postpartum hair fall typically starts between 1-6 months after giving birth. After a mother delivers, the hormones required by the body to support her pregnancy reduce. This is because the body does not require these hormones at such high levels anymore.

Did You Know?

  • 40-50 % women experience postpartum hair fall.

Why Does Hair Fall After Pregnancy?

Apart from your physical changes, your hormones also go through a rollercoaster ride during and after your pregnancy. During pregnancy, most women experience fuller and thicker hair. This is because of a rise in HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) levels. Your estrogen and progesterone levels are also high during this period.

After you give birth to your child, your body experiences a sudden drop of these hormones. This drop occurs because your body is preparing its hormones to come back to normal. The hair that most women didn’t lose during pregnancy tends to fall out now. This makes it appear that you are losing too much hair than usual.


Estrogen and progesterone are female hormones that support the development of the baby in the mother’s womb. A fluctuation in these hormones is also the reason why women get their periods.

How To Control Postpartum Hair Loss?

Postpartum hair loss is basically your hair attempting to retain its normal cycle. There are no scientifically proven treatments for this. However, you could try out some of these tips to make your hair appear fuller.

1. Avoid Styling (At Least For A While)

Till you don’t notice a reduction in your hair fall, avoid using heat on it. Heat contributes to hair damage and breakage. It can even make your hair appear more dull.

2. Avoid Brushing Too Hard

Brushing your hair is important. But brushing it too hard can actually cause it to break. Not just that, it can result in clumps of hair falling out.

3. Use Volumizing Shampoos

There are a number of products available that can conceal your hair patches. These products tend to make your hair appear thicker and fuller. Talk to your doctor about the products you can use on your hair, based on its type and texture.

4. Taking Your Vitamin Supplements

Vitamins may not prevent hair fall, but they do promote hair growth and healthy hair. So, make sure you aren’t falling short of your vitamins and minerals.

5. Eat Well

Your diet plays a major role in determining the health of your hair. You have to make sure your hair is getting all the necessary nutrients by following a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and protein. Vegetables, fruits and dairy products are good sources of these nutrients.

Can Your Hair Fall Cycle Return Back To Normal?

Postpartum hair loss occurs due to a drop in your hormones, causing clumps of hair to fall off at once. However, when your hormones come back to their normal/original levels, the hair fall cycle also comes back to normal.

During the breastfeeding period as well, some of those extra locks of hair may hang on to your scalp. However, as your baby progresses into drinking from a sipper, those extra locks may fall off too. When your hormones stabilize, you will see a reduction in the hair fall.

Wrapping up

Postpartum hair loss is normal and affects almost half of new mothers. It lasts for a few months post pregnancy till your hormones stabilize. Postpartum hair loss cannot be treated. Your hair loss cycle will get back to normal when your hormones do. But till then, you can make sure the hair loss doesn’t get out of hand with our above-mentioned tips.

Begin By Knowing Your Skin

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