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  5. What Causes Facial Warts & How To Get Rid of Them?

Are you annoyed with the stubborn bump-like facial warts? These warts never seem to go away quickly or even easily. They take their own time to fade, and that can range from a few months to a few years.

Even though facial warts are not that harmful, they may cause discomfort and pain. Opting for facial warts treatments may speed up the healing procedure and thankfully, there are multiple treatment options available.

Today, we will shed light on what causes these facial warts and how to get rid of them. Scroll down to find out!

What Are Facial Warts?

Warts are small growth of skin in any part of your body. When this small, harmless skin growth occurs on your face, it is known as facial warts. Facial warts have long and narrow projections. They can extend around 1 to 2 mm from your facial skin. It looks like a solid blister, and maybe rough to touch.

Facial warts can be pink, yellow, brown or skin-toned. Usually, these do not form in a cluster. Facial warts can form on your lips, eyelids and sometimes on your cheeks. Many people experience itching, soreness and irritation. You may also notice black dots on your warts. These are blood vessels which can lead to bleeding.

Facial warts generally go away on their own, but it takes almost 1 to 5 years. However, experts recommend getting treatment for facial warts. This is especially important, when the wart is large and has occurred in a sensitive part like the eyelid. Facial warts are highly contagious, and can spread to other parts of your body as well.

What Causes Facial Warts?

Warts are different from other skin growth as they grow much faster. Facial warts happen when you get infected with the human papillomavirus [1] (HPV). There are 150 strains of HPV and around 10 of them cause facial warts. The HPV strains that cause facial warts are rarely linked with cancer. [2]

You can come in contact with HPV while doing the simplest of work such as a handshake or even touching a surface. But not everyone gets facial warts. Children and people with immune system abnormalities are prone to such skin conditions. People from professions like meat-fish handling are also more vulnerable.

According to skin experts, the warts virus stays in the topmost layer of your skin. It can spread from person to person by direct touch, especially if you have cuts and wounds. You can also get it from the bathroom or areas like changing rooms. So, it is essential to wash your hands and keep your nails clean to avoid HPV transmission.

Types Of Facial Warts

Flat Warts

Filiform Warts

Flat warts mostly happen on your cheeks and forehead. They are tiny and look like small poppy seeds.

Filiform warts are different from other types of warts. They look like spiky blisters. They occur on your eyes, nose and lips.

Flat warts can form a large cluster. They are pink, brown or yellowish in colour.

Filiform can be flesh-toned, pink, or even darker in colour.

These are also known as juvenile warts as children get them more than adults. It does not cause much irritation.

If filiform warts occur on your eye crease or any skin fold, you may experience discomfort and pain.

liquid nitrogen doctor makes the patient cryotherapy procedure

How To Remove Facial Warts?

Medical Treatments For Facial Warts

1. Cryotherapy[3]

Here liquid nitrogen is injected into your wart to freeze it. It is not a one-time procedure, and will possibly take two to three weeks to complete the treatment.

2. Surgical Removal

This is the mainstream treatment and is often suggested for filiform warts. Your doctor will cut off the wart using a scalpel.

3. Electrosurgery & Curettage

This procedure uses electrocauterization (using electricity to heat the tissue) to scrape off the wart from your skin. These two techniques can be used together and as sole treatments.

4. Cantharidin

Cantharidin [4] is a professional treatment to remove warts from your face. It is a chemical that forms a blister covering your warts. Your doctor will apply cantharidin or a similar chemical mixture on your wart and once the blister is formed, he/she would be able to remove it.

5. Immunotherapy

When other options do not work, doctors may recommend immunotherapy. Here, a series of injections may be given into the wart, to stimulate the immune system to respond. Topical medication may be given as well.

Home Remedies For Facial Warts

1. Garlic extract

Garlic extract is considered to be very effective for facial warts. It has antiviral properties. Garlic extract is strong and can burn your skin a little. You may feel a little bit of irritation and itching.

How to use:

Take a clove of garlic and crush it. Apply it on the top of your wart. Cover your wart with a tape or bandage. Apply the garlic extract daily.

2. Lemon juice

Lemon juice has citric acid. It helps kill the virus causing facial warts. According to a study [5] lemon juice and water has proven to be effective for removing flat warts, if applied for over six weeks. But do not apply raw lemon juice directly to your face, as it may cause irritation.

How to use:

Take two tablespoons of lemon juice and add a few drops of honey in it. Lemon juice diluted with water will serve the purpose without causing any irritation. Apply the mixture on your warts.

3. Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice contains enzymes that can burn your warts. Even though there is no scientific evidence of pineapple juice treatment, it has helped a few people to get rid of warts.

How to use:

Extract pineapple juice and directly apply it on your wart using a cotton ball. Continue using it for a few weeks before going to bed.

Things To Do After Wart Removal

  • Wash the area at least twice a day, or as instructed by your doctor.
  • Apply medicine or ointment prescribed by your doctor.
  • Keep the area bandaged to avoid any kind of tear.
  • Do not touch with dirty or unwashed hands.

How To Prevent Facial Warts?

  • Do not touch anyone’s wart.
  • Never share your personal belongings with anyone who has warts.
  • Try to cover your warts with a bandage.
  • Do not bite your fingernails if you have a wart on your finger.
  • Do not scratch or pick your warts.
  • If you have a cut or wound on your skin, try to treat it as soon as possible. An open wound can lead to warts.

When To Consult A Doctor?

Consult your doctor immediately if,

  • Your warts cause pain
  • You bleed or your warts secrete fluid
  • Your facial warts start spreading to other parts of your body
  • Your warts return even after treatment.

Wrapping Up

Facial warts are harmless skin growths that can appear at any age. But they mostly occur among children and people with a poor immune system. Facial warts tend to disappear on their own, but medical treatment and home remedies can give you an effective and speedy recovery.

Begin By Knowing Your Skin

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